Our Vision
To participate in the achievement of creating strong, healthy, economic stable, drug and alcohol-free individuals and families of American Indian descent as well as other minority families who reside in the states of Missouri, Kansas and Iowa. To ensure that these communities have access to services specifically designated to help them achieve and then maintain this position.
American Indian Council (AIC) was formed as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in 1972 to address the economic and social development of American Indian people in accordance with the values and goals of their communities in Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas. AIC is funded by the US Department of Labor Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 166 Indian and Native Programs Employment & Training Program. As a supplemental program, AIC provides the allowed employment and training services in compliance with WIOA Section 166.

AIC Board Members & Planning Committee
- Stephen Stegall Sr., Board Chairman
- Susan Barta, Board Vice Chairwoman
- Laura Abeyta, Board Treasurer
- Alverine Thames, Board Secretary
Planning Members
- Sandra Barta
- Lauren Purtee
- Shayla Sims
- Sharron Stegall
- Stephen Stegall Jr.
- Hunter Beth Barta
For a brief history of programs and a small list of facts about us, please click either of the following links: